The Superbad Stans
About a week ago I received a call from my friend Pat. Before I could even say hello he was whispering to me “I’m at a party with my old neighbor… Superbad neighbor!”
No explanation was needed. In the year of 2020, Pat noticed suspicious activity in the apartment across from his. The activity: Superbad constantly playing on the T.V. Many times a day, every day. I saw it in person myself, and evidence of this phenomenon was recorded via Snapchat.
The most peculiar part is that a majority of the time, it wasn’t the movie playing. It was the DVD title menu that shows the silhouette of Michael Cera dancing (also seen in the opening credits of the movie). So much of it piqued my interest, which is why Pat knew to call me. What he said next was beyond my wildest dreams.
“He agreed to do a sit down interview with you.”
“What about the other one?”
“No mention of him.”
I immediately had someone on my team find the other neighbor, who agreed to sit down with Savvy Tabs after hearing his old roommate would be as well. Arrangements were made and I flew to Philly to interview them at their old apartment.
I decided to stagger the interviews- first talk to them separately, then possibly together. My research team found that a couple domestic dispute calls were made to the police toward the end of their year living together, so I wasn’t sure of their current relationship.
First, Michael Martin and I entered his former home in the complex Liberty Walk in Northern Liberties, Philadelphia. Ironically Michael Martin looks a bit like Jonah Hill while his ex roommate, Julias Lowe, favors Michael Cera. You’ll begin to understand why this is ironic…
Michael is charmingly awkward. His eyes twinkle as he looks around the apartment, remembering. We got permission from the current tenants to set it up a bit like their old place. Michael moves with grace to the wall where the TV is mounted- below it, a DVD player.
“This was it”, he says as he touches the TV. When I interview Julius, he launches into the details about the model of the television and its features. For the purposes of the story we will keep it simple: it’s big and flat.
While we set up the interview, Michael sits at the kitchen counter with a PB & J sandwich he packed. He showed up a half hour early and seems rehearsed in making himself innocuous.
“You Steven Glansberging it over there?”
I joke to him. But at that, his demeanor changes from one of fond reflection to one of regret. I tell my assistant to hold off on playing the Superbad DVD I brought. I also ease into the interview, avoid talking about the movie. But Michael can’t help acknowledging one aspect of Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg’s hit film.
Savvy Tabs: Where did you grow up? What was your childhood like?
Michael Martin: I’m from a city in Ontario, Canada. Brampton. It wasn’t as bustling when my parents settled there- my mom likes to say. They prefer the quiet. They’re good people, a bit strict. Extremely religious. I went to Catholic school until it shut down. Then did a brief period at public school before finding a new Catholic School.
ST: And that public school was… Conestoga.
Michael places a hand on his shaking knee.
MM: Yes. I assume you know it’s the one Michael Cera attended? He was a few grades above me.
ST: Was public school a formative experience- despite only going for a year?
MM: Very much so. I was only in third grade but I met a good friend there. It was around the time Michael Cera started acting in a couple of commercials and television films. So it was exciting whenever he was there. I was allowed to watch What Katy Did- a T.V. movie he had a part in. I became a fan.
ST: Allowed to watch?..
MM: My parents didn’t let me watch a lot of media. Some of my friends saw him in Switching Goals but Mary-Kate and Ashley movies were on my “no-no” list.
Michael says this as if he still follows that list.
ST: But that didn’t stop you from becoming interested in movies?
MM: No. Unfortunately, it did not. I can blame it on bad influences. But I take responsibility for rebelling. My parents never said no to books, so I read every film book available to me. And I watched the movies that were allowed, every other Friday.
Later in my interview with Julius Lowe-
JL: His parents were PSYCHOTIC, dude. If it wasn’t for that childhood “friend” of his, he wouldn’t know Spielberg from Bay.
Back to Michael who hesitates before answering my following question…
ST: You mention a friend at public school, “bad influences”. I assume you’re referring to Sam?
MM: We met at recess which was at the same time the older kids had lunch. We both idolized Michael Cera. Sam wanted to be an actor. And I wanted… I guess the freedom Cera had? We bonded over that. And stayed friends when I changed schools again. Every Halloween we went as a Michael Cera character, even if I hadn’t seen the movie Sam would act it out for me.
Michael shows me pictures of the two of them dressed as George Michael Bluth, Paulie Bleeker, characters Cera played that I don’t even recognize, and finally Scott Pilgrim.
MM: I still have my Paulie Bleeker costume.
ST: That one’s important to you?
MM: It symbolizes a major shift in my life. Sam and I got tickets to the Toronto Film Festival. My family was in Toronto on vacation and they let me bring Sam. We pretended to be sick on the day of the historical cathedral walking tour and went to the festival instead.
ST: What was the date?
MM: August 17th… 2007.
In my interview with Julius. His face lights up at my question…
ST: Where were you on August 17th, 2007?
JL: Seeing the Superbad premiere in theaters. I ended up seeing it five more times. I was thirteen so it took sneaking and finessing. Made a fake ID and everything.
Julius says this with pride, but slumps a little at my next question.
ST: Did you go with friends?
JL: No. The movie experience is better alone, you know.
Julius goes into a rant about his position on seeing films alone.
Back to Michael…
MM: Juno was playing at the film festival. Michael Cera spoke. It was… incredible. I knew right then I wanted to get away from my family. Go to college in the U.S. Before that could happen though, I got a bit… obsessed. With Michael Cera. I watched his movies on repeat, searched for interviews and facts about him. It was an addiction.
ST: Like Seth’s addiction to drawing penises?
MM: Exactly. But my parents didn’t believe in therapy so I had to see the Priest about it. From 2007-2009 it was church, school, and Michael Cera withdrawal.
Interview with Julius about the years after the Superbad premiere-
JL: When the recession hit in 2008 my Dad told us that we had to get jobs to help out. Unless we made the basketball team. Which I didn’t or whatever so I got a job at Best Buy and it was sweet.
ST: Your father has a passion for basketball? You’re named after Dr. Jay, correct?
JL: Ya, ridiculous. My twin brother made the team. So while Wilt was doing nothing to contribute to the family funds I was making top salesman at Best Buy. We couldn’t afford a Blu Ray until my discount. And that changed everything.
*When I popped in the Blu Ray disc and that opening shot with Jonah Hill cruising forward in a red car… the color was so crisp, the video so enhanced and clear that I was stunned. Throughout the film, be it day or night, inside or out, the film shines and never loses its intense detail. The dialogue is strong and vibrant. Combined with the music you can’t help but feel joyous.*
ST: The film gave you hope?
Julius nods.
I ask Michael the same question-
MM: The idea of the film gave me hope. Superbad was the only movie Sam wasn’t allowed to see either- at least at the time it came out. So we made a truce in 2007. We would wait to watch Superbad, together, after our first semester at college.
ST: Did you keep that truce?
Interview with Julius:
JL: The dude fucking watched the movie without him! And you know how he found out? He was looking at his friend’s facebook album- he missed the guy. And saw in the background Superbad playing on a little ass dorm T.V. Not even the right way to see the movie. Man, when Mike told me that story- it was when I realized he had anger in him.
ST: Michael is actually downstairs now. I was hoping to finish the interview with the two of you together. Are you okay with that?
Julius nods. I send a text to my assistant.
When Michael enters, Julius gives him a wave then motions to the apartment: “Weird huh?”
Michael gives a light chuckle: “memories”.
Now that both sit in front of me, I see more clearly the details of their appearance. Julius wears a Quicksilver T-shirt and faded jeans. Michael wears a polo shirt and baggy khakis. Clearly each of them are holding onto a part of 2007.
ST: When did the two of you meet?
MM: August 2017.
JL: The exact 10 year anniversary of Superbad, actually. I was by the Schuylkill, trying to get a good shot of the rowers with my new camera.
MM: In a very dangerous position.
JL: A random comes running over- dressed like the fucking Juno guy, sweatband and all, and tells me not to jump.
MM: I thought he was trying to… You know.
JL: Kill myself? When I was still a virgin? Don’t put that on the record!
It’s astounding how fast the two are resuming their old friendship. And eerie how much parts of their life mirror Superbad.
I decide it’s time to to put in the DVD. I signal to my assistant to turn it on in five…
JL: That night we had planned to watch it but got to talking instead and just left the menu screen up. I don’t know. The music, and Michael Cera’s moves it’s…
MM: Comforting.
JL: The DVD has the extended version, a table read, a gag reel, deleted scenes…
MM: There’s a lot.
Julius seems annoyed about being interrupted but I’m thankful to move on.
ST: So when you finally did watch the movie, Michael. What did you think?
MM: *Seth and Evan’s tangled relationship and fear of their pending separation as college draws near is a realistic and oft too unexplored aspect of young males in American society. And it works as an effective counterpoint to the ribald raunch of these young men…
MM & JL: in their day-long safari for pussy.*
ST: Well put. So what made you guys keep watching it?
JL: It’s the best movie of all time. Why not?
MM: I wouldn’t say of all time.
JL: Apatow might not have the “prestige” of your other films but why shouldn’t it?
MM: I’m not saying it’s not well made! If you listen to me for ONCE…
Before an argument starts I intervene.
ST: You both clearly enjoyed it for it to be on so often. At least the menu title.
JL: The menu title thing was his obsession. His Michael Cera addiction resurfaced. It was like Seth’s penis drawing addiction!
ST: That’s what I said!
MM: Did you know that they made Michael Cera dance for an hour straight?
JL: Here we go…
MM: An hour straight! Improvise dancing for a camera. Do you know how hard that is? And what do they do? They use an outline of him! And only a small portion of it and put it as the Menu DVD title?! No one even owns Blu Rays.
JL: Blu Rays are the Vinyls of OUR TIME! Michael Cera probably liked doing that dance for an hour he’s weird…
MM: DON’T YOU DARE. He deserved to be on a loop for an hour if that’s the work he put into it. And all of our neighbors- including your creep of a friend who got you this interview- should appreciate it!
ST: To be fair you had your screen facing your huge window.
JL: The neighbors may have thought we were more normal if we actually played the movie. Everyone agrees it’s the greatest comedy of our generation!
MM: We did play the movie. We did. We did. And you know, Julius, once in a while I found it a little vulgar.
JL: Oh here comes Pope Martin.
MM: You said yourself that the loop of the menu cured your hangover.
ST: Is this true? Why don’t you guys take a few breaths and watch it.
They reluctantly watch Michael Cera dance, their anger dissipates.
JL: I’ll admit it cures a hangover. And I guess it was, like, good background noise when I was working from home.
ST: Ah yes, so you lived together during the pandemic?
MM: And I’ll admit that the movie was a great escape during those tough times.
ST: My friend- your “creepy neighbor” noticed the viewing happened for about five months. Then, well, we saw those police records. Can you tell us what happened?
MM: Overexposure.
JL: There were months where we had whole conversations in Superbad quotes.
MM: Like we’d get pizza delivered and Jay would say “you get it- it’s not the going I’m worried about, it’s the coming.”
JL: And he’d say about the delivery guy “Did you look into his eyes? It was like the first time I heard the Beatles.”
MM: And I’d be like I’m glad we got takeout “When am I going to need to cook tiramisu? Am I going to be a chef?”
JL: “By the time this weekend rolls around, I’ll be the Iron Chef of Pounding Pussy.”
The two look smug and giddy about their wit.
ST: “That’s the coolest fucking story I’ve heard in my entire life… Can I hear it again?”
I’m rewarded with a high five.
ST: So when did things go sour?
MM: I started hearing the menu music when I was out of the house, or on dates.
JL: You went on one date and she gave you COVID.
MM: Neither of us were doing much socializing because of the pandemic. But when we did get together in small groups or on Zoom, our friends got sick of us talking about Superbad.
JL: They did use the Superbad menu hangover cure for a little! But, yea, they got annoyed. Then there was an incident.
ST: Do you mind telling me about it?
JL: We were going away for a friend’s wedding. The soon the be McLevins.
MM: It seemed all our friends were growing up while we were watching Superbad.
JL: At first our plan was to grow up a bit too. Get laid at this wedding.
MM: We weren’t virgins anymore but we weren’t exactly the best at talking to girls. So we thought we could ease our nerves by bringing our comfort.
ST: But hotel rooms don’t have DVD players.
JL: I was Best Buys’s top T.V. salesman. I know the ins and outs. I could figure it out.
MM: We brought the DVD player with us.
JL: And did I not figure it out?
MM: He did but…
JL: It wasn’t my fault you must have done something when you were drunk!
MM: You don’t think it was using multiple wires and extension cords and the DUCT TAPE.
To save you the trouble I’ll summarize what I gathered. They somehow got Superbad to play on their hotel room T.V. They pregamed while they watched, even learning some of Michael Cera’s signature moves for the dance floor.
At the reception Julius managed to dance with a girl (don’t worry she didn’t get her period on him). Meanwhile, Michael made out with a girl until she ended up vomiting (again, eerily similar to Superbad). He went back to the hotel room early and Julius stumbled in much later.
When they returned home the next day the Blu Ray and DVD player were no longer working.
JL: Without Superbad in the background, we fought all the time.
MM: About everything. From the electricity bill to politics.
I fear asking how high their electricity bill was during those months of Superbad.
JL: I lost my I.T. job. Eventually moved in with my Dad.
MM: I didn’t know you moved home?
Julius shrugs, ashamed.
MM: I met up with Sam.
Me and Julius both gasp.
JL: What did that jackass say?
MM: He claimed he only watched it as “research” for a buddy comedy movie he was auditioning for. I told him how much it hurt me and he said that “truces are bullshit at 17.” His acting career never took off so he moved from N.Y. to Jersey. He was close this whole time and never contacted me…
Julius puts a hand on his old friend’s shoulder.
MM: Fuck me, right?
JL: I’m not too worried about it, really. I wouldn’t worry about it, Don’t worry about it. I’m not worried at all.
They smile at each other and I realize they are, again, quoting the movie.
JL: Let’s order pizza.
MM: Yes , I’m in! Maybe we can
MM & JL: Watch Superbad!
The two laugh and take the remote control that’s sitting in front of me- as if I’m not even here. I try to tell them we only have the apartment for another half hour but they ignore me.
So I pull some strings and bribe the current tenants to let them use the apartment for the full duration of the movie… plus the extras.
From the center of the Liberty Walk complex I see them laughing and talking while their eyes are on the T.V. They haven’t even started the movie. It’s just Michael Cera doing his dance.
**the starred statements in this piece come from real Amazon reviews of the DVD
**Michael Cera really did do that dance for an hour straight